Talent & Workforce Development
The Birmingham region’s people are its greatest asset. The economic and social well-being of a community’s residents ultimately defines the success of community and economic development efforts. The most effective method for elevating incomes is to elevate education levels and skill attainment.
In today’s increasingly competitive environment for knowledge-intensive jobs, talent development is vital. Workers need to be adequately prepared for the jobs of tomorrow, not simply the jobs of today. To provide the skilled workers that companies are looking for, the Birmingham region is optimizing its education pipeline, while effectively retaining and recruiting talented workers to the region.
Top flight colleges and universities, committed teachers and parents and involved businesses drive the present success and future promise of primary, secondary and higher education in Birmingham.
Consistently strengthening the educational opportunities in the region is a key component of the Birmingham Business Alliance’s workforce development initiatives. Learn more about how BBA is expanding our region's pipeline of professionals through FuelAL, a dedicated program for talent attraction, retention and growth.

BBA works in partnership with Innovate Alabama and EDPA to provide FuelAL, a program helping university students understand the range of opportunities available across Alabama by connecting them to communities and community employers. Through interactive events, such as industry treks, community service projects, social mixers and more, FuelAL helps young talent explore beyond the 9-to-5.
With FuelAL, young professionals can make connections across the entire state and reap the benefits of living and working in Alabama. We believe that connecting talented students with communities and employers in every corner of the state is key to the success of Alabama’s economic future. We are committed to providing a platform for students to discover the many opportunities available to them and creating meaningful connections between students and employers throughout the state.
The summer program offers college students:
- Professional development
- Service opportunities
- Social events throughout the state to show off everything Alabama has to offer outside the workplace.

Central Six AlabamaWorks!
Central Six AlabamaWorks! is the Regional workforce council that falls under the State’s Alabama Workforce Council. The Council’s goal is to facilitate collaboration between education, government and industry to assist employers in the Birmingham region to develop a sustainable workforce pipeline for the 21st century.

Alabama Industrial Development Training (AIDT)
Alabama Industrial Development Training (AIDT) is ranked as the number two workforce training program in the nation by Business Facilities, AIDT, a division of the Alabama Department of Commerce, is considered one of Alabama’s best incentives. AIDT provides free, customized recruiting and workforce training programs to new and expanding companies and employees in the Birmingham region. Specifically, AIDT offers pre-employment selection and training, leadership development, industrial safety assessment and industrial maintenance technician assessment program to qualifying companies.
To meet the needs of companies and employees across Alabama, AIDT operates several workforce training centers, including the Alabama Workforce Training Center (AWTC) in downtown Birmingham, which trains the citizens of Alabama in the construction and manufacturing trades.
Alabama Colleges & Universities
Centrally located in the heart of the Southeast, the Greater Birmingham Region is an attractive destination for top talent from around the country. See a full list of colleges and universities here.

Alabama College and Universities
Troy State University Montgomery
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Alabama Community Colleges
Bevill State Community College
Central Alabama Community College
Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Enterprise State Community College
Gadsden State Community College
George C. Wallace Community College/Dothan-Eufaula
George C. Wallace State Community College/Selma
James Faulkner State Community College
Jefferson Davis Community College
Jefferson State Community College
Lawson State Community College
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College
Northeast Alabama Community College
Northwest-Shoals Community College
Shelton State Community College
Alabama Career, Vocational, and Trade Schools
Culinary Institute of Virginia College
Herzing College
Strayer University
Virginia College
Virginia College School of Construction
University of Phoenix
Fortis College
Virginia College
Remington College
South College